LexiCon News 
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A Final Update
Our final accounts are complete, our bank account is closed, but before we go we have a couple of last pieces of news to share with you.
Rainbow Youth Donation and Blog Roundup
This week we were delighted to make an initial donation of $876.40 to Rainbow Youth. This donation came from the LexiCon Auction, Floating Market, and cash donations from members direct to Rainbow Youth.
Thank you!
Before we head off home, we just want to say a huge thank you to all of you who helped make this weekend awesome!
The Registration Desk is open!
The LexiCon registration desk is open (a little earlier than planned)!
How to contact us during LexiCon
From tomorrow, we'll be starting our journeys to - and setting up at - the Suncourt hotel. Here's how to get in touch with us from tomorrow.
Masquerade and Art Competition
A reminder that if you want to participate in the Masquerade, you need to sign up here by the end of tomorrow. The masquerade takes place on Saturday night and we're really looking forward to seeing your costumes!
One week to go!
It’s just one week until LexiCon! We’re really excited to see you all soon.
Sign up for limited entry events!
A few of our events are limited entry. If you'd like to attend the Publicity for Authors or Super Sculpey workshops, or participate in the Word of the Things radio play, now's the time to sign up.