LexiCon News
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Rainbow Youth Donation and Blog Roundup
This week we were delighted to make an initial donation of $876.40 to Rainbow Youth. This donation came from the LexiCon Auction, Floating Market, and cash donations from members direct to Rainbow Youth.
We've almost finished wrapping up our finances, and when that is complete we'll be making a further donation to Rainbow Youth and a donation to SFFANZ. We'll update you on those in the coming weeks.
Thank you to all of you who donated, bought, or sold items at the auction and floating market, or who donated directly. Rainbow Youth provide vital support to queer and gender diverse youth, and we're proud to give them our support.
We've also enjoyed reading your reports of LexiCon weekend. Check out these blog posts and articles by Elizabeth Heritage at Pantograph Punch, Barbara Howe, AJ Fitzwater, OJ Cade, Woelf Dietrich, Dan Rabarts, and Lee Murray.
Lastly, a heads up that we're expecting some downtime on our website this week. If you encounter issues please just bear with us - it should be all sorted within a couple of days.